Parenting, nannying, dealing with kids in general changes the way our lives work. I realized the "late" difference this evening as I turned to Sarah at about 9:45 and said "You're up late." :) I can remember times in our friendship when at around 5am we would debate about whether it was worth going to sleep at all. Or stay up till the wee hours and plan to sleep til noon the next day.
Don't get me wrong, Matthew and Ian are wonderful sleepers. Which is part of the reason I was saying this to Sarah and not including myself. While she gets up at 4:30 plus a wake up call from Ian sometime between his 8pm bedtime and when she gets up... I am usually up a little later. Matthew will go to bed around 8pm and if it is dark and realively quiet, sleep until 8 or even 9am. Ian usually calls me from bed via the baby monitor sometime around 5-6am for a 4-5oz drink, and back to sleep til 7 or 8. Add in Ian's good 1+ hour nap in the morning and both of them sleeping around 2 hours in the afternoon... they sleep pretty well.
But there is something different about uninterupted sleep and getting 10 hours of sleep but getting up a few times. It just isn't quite the same. Maybe I am still being broken in and people get used to it eventually. But from the tired look on Sarah's face some mornings, I'm going to guess that sleep just evades us all. There are simply not enough hours in the day.
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